How can you help?
MayaCREW relies on funding from private donors to support the important work of the ACEBAR program, located in the highlands pueblo of Chichicastenango. Your support can help to ensure that a child will continue to get an education. A little can go such a long way.
Your donation to MayaCREW is tax deductable. MayaCREW is a US 501(c)3 public charity, EIN#65-1259289.
Donate by credit card:
Credit card donations on PayPal can either be made as a single time contribution or, by selecting the “Make This Recurring” box, you can schedule automatic monthly contributions!
To donate by check, please send your check to:
P.O. Box 55
Danville, CA 94526
How your contribution helps:
How far does a dollar go to help provide education in the Municipality* of Chichicastenango?
(costs are approximate based on average expense by grade level and school)
- $75 sends a child to primary school for a year
- $150 sends a child to middle school for a year
- $400 sends a child to high school for a year
- $5000 supports the entire monthly cost of the ACEBAR Resource Center in Guatemala including all scholarships, supplies, teacher resources and ACEBAR program facilitation
(Note: All scholarship students receive a packet of required school supplies. Cost of school supplies is included in the scholarship average amounts above)
(*The “Municipality” is comprised of the pueblo of Chichicastenango and 86 small surrounding rural communities.)